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Pelvic Health Physio Pukekohe

Pelvic Health physiotherapists have undergone additional post graduate training to enable them to effectively assess and treat the unique issues women encounter in respect to pain, function, and the pelvic floor. 

The sessions are completely confidential and involve initial questioning to ensure a thorough understanding of the patient's story, history, and goals. We then perform an assessment of movement and function depending on what the patient's main issues are. This may involve an assessment of the patient's tummy and internal assessment of pelvic floor muscles (if required). The patient is in control of the assessment at all times and has the right to refuse any aspect of their care if they so wish.

Physiotherapy can help with pelvic floor muscle training and rehabilitation, exercises to prevent incontinence, urinary/ faecal urge strategies, bladder retraining, optimal toileting techniques, guidance with appropriate lifestyle changes, pre/post op advice and prolapse management.

Our pelvic floor muscles are part of our "core" muscles, and when they are weak this can also be a factor with ongoing back and pelvic compliants. 

Let us know if you have any questions on how pelvic health physio/ treating your pelvic floor can help you.


Urinary Incontinence

Faecal Incontinence

Image by Otto Norin
Exercising with Baby

Pre and Post Natal

Pelvic Floor Retraining


Find out more about how our services can help you today!

Pelvic Health: Services

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need pelvic health physio?

•Have you recently had a baby?
•Do you have any leaking/incontinence?
•Do you have any heaviness or a dragging sensation in the pelvic region?
•Have you noticed any changes in your ability to have intimate relations with your significant other?
•If you have had a baby an intensive programme of pelvic floor exercises should be completed regardless of have any issues. And returning to exercise post-baby? Get some advice first.
•If there any symptoms of pelvic dysfunction then should be assessed by a pelvic floor physio internally
•70% of people with recurring injuries have weak pelvic floor
•Often the missing link “When you strengthen the CORE, remember the FLOOR!!”

What conditions do you treat?

Womens' health, Pregnancy, Postnatal, Pelvic floor muscle weakness, Bladder issues, Pelvic organ prolapse, Pelvic pain – female, Urinary incontinence, Faecal incontinence, Pilates, Vaginal Exams, Rectal Exams, Telehealth

Do I need a Doctor’s referral?

You do not need a doctor's referral. However if this is a Maternal birthing injury - and you will be lodging for ACC please read section below on Maternal birthing injuries.

How many sessions do I need?

This can vary, but most people need between 3-6 sessions, and then it is normally recommended to be followed up 6 monthly.

Pelvic Health: FAQ

Pelvic Health Physiotherapy and Birth Injuries

UPDATE: ACC Cover For Maternal Birth Injuries

From 1 October ACC will cover injuries sustained during the labour or birthing process. Women who give birth on or after this date and sustain an injury in the process will be able to lodge a claim to help cover the cost of their treatment.

Pelvic health Physios (as well as Doctors and nurses) will be able to lodge claims for the following injuries:

  • Labial, vaginal, vulval, clitoral, cervical, rectal and perineal tears

  • Coccyx fracture

  • Pubic rami fracture

  • Pelvic joint damage from Obstetric trauma

  • Prolapse

  • Levator ani avulsion

Other injuries covered include:

  • Obstetric fistula

  • Obstetric haematoma of pelvis

  • Pudendal neuropathy

  • Ruptured uterus during labour

Claims for these injured can be lodged by Doctors and nurses.

If you are unsure if your injury will be covered or have any questions feel free to send us an email:

Pelvic Health: Text
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